*Olympus OMD EM5 v1.5 firmware update includes IBIS for third party lenses in video mode!

Just a quick comparison pre and post firmware v1.5 update showing the difference that the IBIS (In Body Image Stabilization) makes when using adapted, third party lenses in video mode on the Olympus OM-D E-M5.

The above video was shot using a Canon FD 55mm f/1.2 SSC lens adapted to the OM-D E-M5 with segments using firmware v1.2 to show the lack of IBIS support compared to the same setup after the firmware update to v1.5.  I was walking with the camera held out in front of me to further amplify the differences that the IBIS can make for video.  I would certainly suggest standing still, IBIS or not when shooting video because nobody wants to watch this type of vomit inducing drivel, with the distinct exception of gear nerds like myself, in small, short doses of course.

To properly engage the IBIS when using adapted lenses for video, you’ll need to manually enter the focal length (just as we have to for still shooting) in the Image Stabilization sub menu.

Along with the added IBIS support in video capture for third party lenses, the update included a muting (or more accurately a disengagement) of the IBIS humming when the camera was inactive prior to entering sleep mode.  Unfortunately, we didn’t see some of the other issues we’d raised last week addressed (like focus peaking, high ISO banding, etc) but these are two good changes and hopefully are merely the beginning of the firmware update chain for this camera.

You can find the OMD EM5 at B&H HERE.

Thanks for the read and happy shooting,


8 thoughts on “*Olympus OMD EM5 v1.5 firmware update includes IBIS for third party lenses in video mode!

  1. I am not actually a video person (just yet), but this firmware update is quite an advance for those who are. I have an old Olympus OM Zuiko AUTO-Zoom 65-200mm f/4.0 MACRO that I’m selling on eBay. It’s one of the great lenses where the zoom and the focus is combined into a single sliding ring, which would be good for video operation. Your video here makes me think I should keep it for possible video use down the track, although I think I’ll always be a stills man (A real photographer 🙂 )


    • Yeah, I’m not much of a video person either, but I do appreciate having the capability to capture moments in motion on the fly. Comes in handy with the lil’ns (especially appreciated by the grandparents). I wish there were more hours in the day I guess, although I’m sure I’d still find a way to occupy them with familial responsibilities 🙂


  2. Pingback: *Olympus OM-D E-M5 Firmware Update, please. « Tyson Robichaud Photo-blography

  3. Pingback: OMD EM5 FW v1.5 supports IBIS for Legacy Lenses in Movie Mode | Mirrorless Central

  4. Probably a silly question, but I’m using some of my old Pentax lenses with an adapter on my OMD, so when I enter the focal length in the sub menu, do I enter for example 50mm (real focal length) or 100 mm (cropped focal length) ?



  5. Pingback: *Olympus 75mm f/1.8, all it’s cracked up to be? | Tyson Robichaud Photo-blography

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